Express 适配器
¥Example app
描述 | 链接 |
使用 Node.js 进行快速服务器和过程调用。 |
如何将 tRPC 添加到现有 Express 项目
¥How to add tRPC to existing Express project
1. 安装依赖
¥ Install deps
yarn add @trpc/server zod
yarn add @trpc/server zod
Zod 不是必需的依赖,但它在下面的示例路由中使用。
¥Zod isn't a required dependency, but it's used in the sample router below.
2. 创建 tRPC 路由
¥ Create a tRPC router
实现你的 tRPC 路由。下面给出了一个示例路由:
¥Implement your tRPC router. A sample router is given below:
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';import { z } from 'zod';export const t = initTRPC.create();export const appRouter = t.router({getUser: t.procedure.input(z.string()).query((opts) => {opts.input; // stringreturn { id: opts.input, name: 'Bilbo' };}),createUser: t.procedure.input(z.object({ name: z.string().min(5) })).mutation(async (opts) => {// use your ORM of choicereturn await UserModel.create({data: opts.input,});}),});// export type definition of APIexport type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';import { z } from 'zod';export const t = initTRPC.create();export const appRouter = t.router({getUser: t.procedure.input(z.string()).query((opts) => {opts.input; // stringreturn { id: opts.input, name: 'Bilbo' };}),createUser: t.procedure.input(z.object({ name: z.string().min(5) })).mutation(async (opts) => {// use your ORM of choicereturn await UserModel.create({data: opts.input,});}),});// export type definition of APIexport type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;
如果你的路由文件开始变得太大,请将你的路由拆分为多个子路由,每个子路由都在自己的文件中实现。然后将 合并它们 变成单根 appRouter
¥If your router file starts getting too big, split your router into several subrouters each implemented in its own file. Then merge them into a single root appRouter
3. 使用 Express 适配器
¥ Use the Express adapter
tRPC 包含一个开箱即用的 Express 适配器。该适配器可让你将 tRPC 路由转换为 Express 中间件。
¥tRPC includes an adapter for Express out of the box. This adapter lets you convert your tRPC router into an Express middleware.
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';import * as trpcExpress from '@trpc/server/adapters/express';// created for each requestconst createContext = ({req,res,}: trpcExpress.CreateExpressContextOptions) => ({}); // no contexttype Context = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof createContext>>;const t = initTRPC.context<Context>().create();const appRouter = t.router({// [...]});const app = express();app.use('/trpc',trpcExpress.createExpressMiddleware({router: appRouter,createContext,}),);app.listen(4000);
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';import * as trpcExpress from '@trpc/server/adapters/express';// created for each requestconst createContext = ({req,res,}: trpcExpress.CreateExpressContextOptions) => ({}); // no contexttype Context = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof createContext>>;const t = initTRPC.context<Context>().create();const appRouter = t.router({// [...]});const app = express();app.use('/trpc',trpcExpress.createExpressMiddleware({router: appRouter,createContext,}),);app.listen(4000);
你的端点现在可以通过 HTTP 访问!
¥Your endpoints are now available via HTTP!
端点 | HTTP URI |
getUser | GET http://localhost:4000/trpc/getUser?input=INPUT 其中 INPUT 是 URI 编码的 JSON 字符串。 |
createUser | POST http://localhost:4000/trpc/createUser 与 {name: string} 类型的 req.body |