¥Collection of frequently asked questions with ideas on how to troubleshoot & resolve them.
如果你有此处未解答的问题,请随时为此页面做出贡献以进行改进或创建新的讨论 在 GitHub 上。另外,如果此处没有解答你的问题,请查看 GitHub 讨论 和我们的 Discord。
¥Feel free to contribute to this page with improvements or create a new discussion on GitHub if you have a question that isn't answered here. Also, have look through the GitHub Discussions and our Discord if your question isn't answered here.
这不起作用!我到处都是 any
¥It doesn't work! I'm getting any
¥Make sure you have no type errors in your code
中有"strict": true
¥Make sure you have
"strict": true
in yourtsconfig.json
匹配¥Make sure your
-versions match in yourpackage.json
如何让中间件更改我的 Context
¥How do I make a middleware change the type of my Context
参见 上下文扩展。
¥See Context Extension.
tRPC 生产准备好了吗?
¥Is tRPC production ready?
是的。tRPC 非常稳定,被数千家公司使用,甚至像 Netflix 和 普莱奥 这样的大公司也在生产中使用 tRPC。
¥Yes. tRPC is very stable and is used by thousands of companies, even big ones like Netflix & Pleo are using tRPC in production.
为什么 tRPC 在我的 monorepo 中不起作用?
¥Why doesn't tRPC work in my monorepo?
这是一个很难回答的问题,但由于 tRPC 没有任何构建步骤,因此问题不太可能出在 tRPC 方面。
¥This is difficult question to answer, but since tRPC doesn't have any build step, it's unlikely that the problem is on tRPC's side.
¥Here are some things to check:
版本均相同¥Make sure you have the same version of all
across all your project确保你的所有
中都有"strict": true
¥Make sure you have
"strict": true
in all yourtsconfig.json
¥Make sure you have no type errors in your app
文件,而没有打包服务器 monorepo 包,请确保你的客户端tsconfig.json
中有"paths": [...]
一样,以便客户端可以找到相同的文件。¥In the case that you have a dedicated server and client
files without a bundled server monorepo package, make sure you have"paths": [...]
in your clienttsconfig.json
like your servertsconfig.json
,so that the client can find the same file.
你还可以查看我们的 很棒的 tRPC-collection,找到几个在 monorepo 中使用 tRPC 的开源项目。
¥You can also have a look at our Awesome tRPC-collection to find several open-source projects that are using tRPC in a monorepo.
monorepo 是强制性的吗?
¥Is a monorepo mandatory?
不,monorepo 不是强制性的,但如果你不使用 tRPC,你将失去使用它的一些好处,因为你将失去客户端和服务器协同工作的保证。
¥No, a monorepo is not mandatory but you will lose some of the benefits of using tRPC if you don't use it since you will lose guarantees that your client and server works together.
利用 tRPC 的一种方法是发布具有后端存储库类型的私有 npm 包,并在前端存储库中使用它们。
¥One way you can leverage tRPC is to publish a private npm package with the types of your backend repo and consume them in your frontend repo.
¥Related discussion: https://github.com/trpc/trpc/discussions/1860
¥Can I dynamically return a different output depending on what input I send?
不,目前还不行,为了让 tRPC 自动执行此操作,我们需要名为 "高等种类" 的东西,TypeScript 尚不支持它。
¥No, not currently, in order for tRPC to do that automatically, we need something called "Higher kinded types" which is not yet supported in TypeScript.
¥Related discussion: https://github.com/trpc/trpc/discussions/2150
¥Can I apply a middleware to a full router?
不,但你可以使用 基本过程 来代替,这比在每个路由级别上完成此操作提供了更大的灵活性。
¥No, but you can use base procedures instead, which offers more flexibility than if this was done on a per-router-level.
tRPC 是否可以与 Next.js 13 应用布局和 RSC 配合使用?
¥Does tRPC work with Next.js 13 App Layouts & RSC?
是的,tRPC 可与 Next.js 13 应用布局和 React 服务器组件配合使用,但我们尚未构建任何官方示例。
¥Yes, tRPC works with Next.js 13 App Layouts & React Server Components, but we have not built any official examples of it yet.
有关更多信息,你可以阅读并关注 这个问题,我们在其中引用了一些示例。
¥For more information, you can read & follow this issue where we've referenced a few examples of it.
使用标记为 unstable_
¥Am I safe with using features marked as as unstable_
¥tl;dr: Yes!
如果你在 tRPC 中遇到标记为 unstable_
的功能,则意味着该 API 不稳定并且可能会在次要版本更新中发生变化,但是:
¥If you encounter a feature in tRPC that is marked as unstable_
it means that the API is unstable and might change in minor version bumps, but:
实现细节可能会发生细微的变化 - 它的名称和选项可能会改变
¥Specifics of the implementation might change in minor changes - its name and options might change
如果它存在于 tRPC 中,则它已经在生产中使用了
¥If it exists in tRPC it's already used it in production
¥We very much encourage you to use it
功能进行任何更改,它们将包含在发行说明中(你将看到类型错误)¥If any changes are done to
-feature, they will be included in the release notes (& you'll see type errors)请在 github.com/trpc/trpc/issues 或 我们的 Discord 的
中报告有关 API 设计或问题的任何建议¥Please report any suggestion on the API design or issues on github.com/trpc/trpc/issues or in the
on our Discord
使用标记为 experimental_
¥Am I safe with using features marked as as experimental_
如果你在 tRPC 中遇到标记为 experimental_
的功能,则意味着该 API 不稳定,并且很可能在 tRPC 的任何波动期间发生变化。
¥If you encounter a feature in tRPC that is marked as experimental_
it means that the API is unstable and is very likely to change during any bump of tRPC.
¥Wide range of the feature and its usage might change
¥The feature might not be well-tested
¥We might drop the feature entirely
¥It's up to you to read the latest docs and upgrade without a guided migration path
¥Changes might not be well-documented in the release notes
¥Bugs are not guaranteed to be fixed
然而,我们确实喜欢输入!请在 我们的 Discord 的 #🧪-unstable-experimental-features
中报告任何有关 API 设计的建议或问题。
¥We do, however, love input! Please report any suggestion on the API design or issues in the #🧪-unstable-experimental-features
on our Discord.
tRPC 对 semver 严格吗?
¥Is tRPC strict with semver?
是的,tRPC 对 语义版本控制 非常严格,我们永远不会在次要版本升级中引入重大更改。
¥Yes, tRPC is very strict with semantic versioning and we will never introduce breaking changes in a minor version bump.
这样,除了 JSDoc 中标记为 @internal
的更改之外,我们还将 export
TypeScript type
¥With this, we also consider changes on export
ed TypeScript type
s as major changes, apart from ones marked as @internal
in the JSDoc.
为什么 tRPC 已经是这么高的版本了?
¥Why is tRPC on such a high version already?
当 tRPC 启动并且用户很少时,我们经常迭代 API 设计,同时严格遵守 semver。
¥When tRPC started and had very few users and we often iterated on the API design whilst being strict with semver.
tRPC 的前 9 个版本在项目的前 8 个月内发布。
¥The first 9 versions of tRPC were released in the first 8 months of the project.
我们在 v9 后 14 个月发布的 版本 10 应该被视为 tRPC 的真正 "版本 2",我们对 API 决策做了任何根本性的改变。(2 is 10 in binary, amirite?)
¥Version 10 which we released 14 months after v9 should be seen as the real "version 2" of tRPC where we did any fundamental changes to the API decisions. (2 is 10 in binary, amirite?)
我们预计 API 现在会稳定,并计划针对未来的任何重大更改发布代码模块,就像我们对 v9->v10 升级所做的那样。
¥We expect the API to be stable now and are planning to release codemods for any breaking changes in the future, just like we did with the v9->v10 upgrade.
¥Anything else you want to know?
请在 GitHub 上写功能请求,在 GitHub 讨论 或 Discord 上写。你还可以使用页面底部的 "编辑这个页面" 按钮随意提出对此页面或任何其他页面的改进建议。
¥Please write a feature request on GitHub, write in GitHub Discussions, or Discord. You're also free to suggest improvement of this page or any other page using the "Edit this page" button at the bottom of the page.